You are so welcome here!
Make Yourself at Home!
The best way to make a church a home is by getting involved.
Check out all the ways you can start getting connected to community at
Hope City Church.
Get Connected in Growth Track
Our New Members Growth Track class is for you! This is your first step to getting involved in the life of HCC. You will get an opportunity to hear from the heart of our Senior Pastor and some of our staff. Our Growth Track new members class takes place each Sunday after the 10AM service. It is a 2 step process which takes place twice a month. Step 1 takes place every 1st and 3rd Sunday and step 2 takes place every 2nd and 4th Sunday. You don’t have to wait, start your growth track this upcoming Sunday in the Growth Track room.
We volunteer and partner with local nonprofits that make a difference
in education, incarceration rates, adoption & foster care, and developing
our communities!
Mission Trips
Learn More
Kids and Students
Kids and students need the Gospel the same way
adults do that’s why we take serious our kids and students department that we call City Kids and City Students.